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Islamists in Nigeria massacre non-Muslims who rejected Islam and Sharia law - Christians are under serious siege

Boko Haram, a terrorist organization, is waging a war against non-Muslims in Nigeria. in an attempt to impose Sharia laws.

ISIS = Hamas = Al Qaeda = Boko Haram = Sharia Law.
All the terrorist organizations seek to impose sharia laws and establish an Islamic empire.
Christians and non-Muslims are under attack in Nigeria.
Churches are burned and people are executed for rejecting Islam and Sharia law.
Please pray for the Christians of Nigeria.

Radical Muslim terrorists all over the world carry out terror attacks "in the name of Allah".

They justify their violence by quoting verses from the Quran.
Politicians in the West always claim “Islam is a religion of peace”,
Despite the fact that some Muslims and even former Muslims such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sandra Solomon claim that there are verses in the Quran and the Islamic scriptures that call for violence against infidels that often what leads to the violence and terrorism carried out against infidels by Muslims.

Christians are the world’s most persecuted religious group, according to studies
Christians and other Non-Muslim minorities throughout the Muslim world are being persecuted for being non-Muslims.

The Christian community in Iraq and Syria was completely annihilated by radical Muslims, anyone who could not escape and refused to convert to Islam was executed.
The Western world ignores the cruel persecution of Christians in the Muslim world.
Where are all the human rights organizations of the UN? Where are all human rights organizations in the West?
Please pray for the Christian minorities in the Muslim world.
Liberals and leftists in the West use the made up term "Islamophobia" to portray anyone who criticizes Islam as a "racist".

They ignore the fact that Islam is an ideology that has nothing to do with race.

There is an attempt in the West to impose a sharia-blasphemy law to criminalize criticism of Islam.

It started when Saudi Arabia and Muslim countries tried to pass a UN resolution to force Western states to criminalize criticism of Islam.

Today The Parliament in Canada passed "Motion M-103" to condemn the so-called "Islamophobia (Fear of Islam)" in a preparation for a blasphemy law in Canada.

According to the sharia blasphemy law anyone who criticizes Islam or the Prophet Muhammad should be killed.
Under Sharia blasphemy law in Saudi Arabia and Iran Muslims are executed if they are accused of blasphemy.

In Pakistan, the situation is even worse, radical Muslims use the blasphemy law to persecute the Christian minority.
Is this the law the liberals in the West want to adopt?
If you think Sharia blasphemy law has no place in the West, share this post!
Islamists in Nigeria massacre non-Muslims who rejected Islam and Sharia law - Christians are under serious siege Islamists in Nigeria massacre non-Muslims who rejected Islam and Sharia law - Christians are under serious siege Reviewed by Idris Bashir on November 17, 2018 Rating: 5
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