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Editorial: Nigeria's Army Call For Closure of Amnesty International Office is A Threat To Global Peace - FWP

Information Reaching our News desk has it that a famous media platform, has taken it upon themselves by releasing an Editorial in a narrative Analysis to quote the consequence behind telling an International media organization to quite Nigeria without any cogent reason. Family Writers Press who has been a very powerful media in the who of Africa helping the quest for Biafra has broken silence over unexpected call for the Amnesty International to close down their office in Nigeria following unknown reason which is said to be a Threat to Global Peace.

Read Analysis in details:


Family Writers Press  is a professional,  vibrant, global media organization with it's Operational Headquaeters located in Biafraland, in the West African sub-region. And in keeping to the established principles of it's founding fathers,  has uncompromisingly, maintained it's mandate of giving the teaming reading audience, accurate informative news bordering on African  and global affairs.

Warnings have previously and diversely been issued forth from here to the international community about the romance of the Nigerian government with terror groups which pose serious threat to global peace and security. A visit to website publication log, will definitely convince any interested reader of numerous publications of this dynamic media outlet, about it's warnings to the world about the terrorism network build up in Nigeria which would spring up unprecedented surprises that will rattle the world in the nearest future. Unfortunately, the tenacious grip on the obsolete protocols of sovereignty of nations which the Nigerian government ostensibly enjoys, has surreptitiously been converted to unchecked covert terrorism build up. The international community has blatantly remained docile and inept in rightly carrying out it's functions to promptly arrest this ugly situation in Nigeria. This has gradually metamorphosed into a risk reign of terror to humanity.

Till date, steady and comprehensive investigation by crack team of Family Writers Press journalists all over the world, has proven that the global community has virtually done nothing tangible, regarding previous pre-cautionary alerts raised against Nigeria in her terrorism affinity within the West African sub-region involving Boko Haram terrorists, Fulani killer herdsmen, terrorists of Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS), the Nigerian Army and Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) which is an arm of the Nigerian Police Force. According to indictive reports following investigations carried out by the Correspondents of Family Writers Press, the Nigerian army and Police (SARS), have qualifications as terrorists designates. They involve in persistent and despicable killing of innocent civilians in Nigeria with greater emphasis in Biafraland. Well documented evidences of their atrocities as collated by our investigative department, buttress the irrefutable reasons for the world to fully know that the Nigerian government has steadily been releasing hundreds of Boko Haram terrorists into the society. These are unrepentant Islamic killers captured during gun fire exchanges with the Nigerian military. Instead of allowing the law to take it's cause, they are being reintegrated into the society to carry out another round of heinous assignment.

The failure of the United Nations, European Union, African Union, Governments of the United States of America, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia and China, to courageously wade into this matter of Nigerian government's unabated terrorism sponsorship and patronage despite consistent alerts, therefore, brings to the notice of these global players, that in the nearest future, the world will begin to grapple with terrorism effects ever known in history. The only pancea to the upcoming human catastrophe, is for Nigeria to be dissolved and dismembered and those deadly terrorism build ups  wholesomely eliminated. Family Writers Press can authoritatively state here that uncovered classified information clearly has it that the Nigerian government has fully completed her terrorism build up programs and will soon shock the world with unprecedented terrorists attacks. For how long then will the international community continue in it's docility and ineptitude even with this array of glaring realities? Nigeria is dangerously becoming a potential terror threat to global peace and security. Concerned global leaders should synergize and immediately put up modalities for action against the evil plots of the Nigerian government.

On Monday 17th December 2018, the Nigerian army in concert with the government, defiantly placed a call for outright closure of the office of Amnesty International in the country. This is meant to totally blackout damning reports of numerous atrocities committed by the Fulani Islamic government of Nigeria through the instrumentality of terrorists organizations like Boko Haram, Fulani killer herdsmen, ISIS West Africa, Islamic controlled Nigerian army and the Nigerian Police (SARS). We wish to clearly alert the world through this platform, that the latest onslaught against Amnesty International, stemmed from a well orchestrated, high profiled effort of the Nigerian government to clinically eliminate the presence of any Global Rights/Watch Group in the country.  Other Human Rights Organisations are being viewed as weaklings that can easily be cowed into submission by the Nigerian army to economically float their reportage of terrorism regime which is near enthronement especially within the Biafra territory. The global community should take into cognisance that the  successful closure of the office of Amnesty International and the possible ban of it's activities in the country, will amount to unanimously creating terrorism enclave in Africa. It should also be noted, that the world will definitely bear the brunt of total breakdown of law and order in Nigeria, occasioned by these deadly terrorism activities.

Premised on the foregoing therefore, this editorial publication serves as a veritable medium to call on people of good conscience, to drastically take measures that will precipitate the dissolution of Nigeria that will permanently bring to an end, the wave of terrorism activities in the African continent. Should Nigeria be dissolved as anticipated, the three indigenous nations of Biafra within the Eastern belt, Arewa in the Northern hemisphere and Oduduwa in the Western belt, will most assuredly emerge as tripatite autonomous nations, thereby forcing the terrorists infested Fulani oligarchy to lose out  of economic mainstay to perpetrate their terrorism sponsorship in Nigeria. Sending sophisticated military hardware like fighter jets amongst others, to terrorism apologists controlled Nigerian government with which to prosecute anti-terrorism war, Family Writers Press  can affirm that it is an exercise in futility. There is need to understand that Boko Haram  terrorists, Fulani killer herdsmen and ISIS West Africa, are all brain children of Fulani caliphate in Nigeria, who are desperate to remain in power over others by every means imaginable. These terror groups gained prominence during the administration of Dr. Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, the erstwhile Nigerian President from Biafraland, prior to 2015 general election. Findings from our despatched team of investigators who visited Borno amongst other Northeastern States of Nigeria, proved that the Nigerian government lacks absolute interest in confronting terrorism but are deceitfully playing on the sensitivity of the world leaders by blackmailing them with the propaganda of fighting terrorism.

The latest onslaught against Amnesty International, is part of their many clandestine plots to unleash violence and excessive terror within and outside Africa. If the world leaders continue to renege on their responsibilities in global politics on the issue of ensuring global peace just to massage existing relationships with Nigeria because of crass egocentric interests, they should then be readily prepared for whatever consequences that will ensue. However, if the concerned world leaders could brace the odds and facilitate the dissolution of Nigeria, the much needed peace in the West African sub-region will not only be realised, but the invention/sponsorship/spread of terrorism from the present day Islamic Nigeria will terminally be defeated. The above  pancea cannot be alternated most definitely.

A word is enough for the wise!

Ngozi Vera Kalu (PhD)
Family Writers Press.

Editorial: Nigeria's Army Call For Closure of Amnesty International Office is A Threat To Global Peace - FWP Editorial: Nigeria's Army Call For Closure of Amnesty International Office is A Threat To Global Peace - FWP Reviewed by Idris Bashir on December 21, 2018 Rating: 5
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