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I'm begging Igbos/Biafrans to Forgive Ex-general Gowon And Let Him Go In Peace — archbishop Gloria Grace

Last night, I felt very compelled to write this short message to our people to release ex-General Yakubu Gowon to go in peace. I felt that he has been carrying a load of guilt over the unjust massacre of Igbos and all that happened during Nigeria/Biafra war. The agitations of Biafra movements even put him into more and more guilt. There is no greater punishment to a man than being a prisoner of his conscience, for life. God wants us to forgive so we can be forgiven. This is because, if we don’t forgive, God cannot forgive both the person who offended us, and us. He wants us to forgive so He will deliver the guilty one and forgive us.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy (Mathew 5:7).

Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful (Luke 6:36).

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses (Mathew 16:14-15).

With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful, and with the upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright ( 2 Samuel 22:26 ; Psalm 18:25).

This is probably why the ex-General is still alive: to receive our forgiveness. I don’t know if there are some steps he has made to try to compensate our people; I feel he is dying within himself. I feel that one of his actions that is killing him is what he did to the survivors of Biafran war. He made our people suffer more by giving each of those who have money in their accounts before the war, 20 pounds each including those who were millionaires. He thus, confiscated all the accounts of IGBO people who survived the war, giving them only 20pounds each. All these are killing him. I feel it in my spirit.

If we don’t truly show mercy and forgive him, we will not be healed and restored. Healing and restoration come through forgiveness and love for those who have wounded us. The LORD Jesus, therefore, asked us to love our enemies and pray for those who hate us. We are to do good to those who wounded us so we can be healed and restored. If we don’t, we open door for torture, anger, bitterness and rebellion.

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: ( Ephesians 4:31 ).

Please my people, we have been deeply wounded, massacred, unjustly treated, marginalized all these years; but let us forgive so God can forgive our enemies and heal and restore us.

I can stand on behalf of my people, the IGBOs as a spiritual authority both in the Body of Christ and as leader among my people to forgive ex-General Yakubu Gowon, asking him to go in peace. Perhaps, its time for him to take his exit from the Earth. Perhaps he has made peace with his Maker. We release you sir, so we the IGBOs (true Hebrews) will also receive mercy from the LORD, so He will heal and restore all our wasted years and substances; and restore His covenant with us as He promised in His Word.

Shalom, sir and the people of the North. We pray for you and the people of the North, speaking peace of God upon you all in the precious Name of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. We forgive you all. We all fight for the restoration of the entire nation according to God’s prophetic purpose, as the nation that bears the light of God to other nations of the world, as the nation that will host His Glory on Earth. I know of your meetings with Pastors in Maryland, when I lived there few years back, interceding for our dear nation. God’s eternal purpose shall surely stand.

I'm begging Igbos/Biafrans to Forgive Ex-general Gowon And Let Him Go In Peace — archbishop Gloria Grace I'm begging Igbos/Biafrans to Forgive Ex-general Gowon And Let Him Go In Peace — archbishop Gloria Grace Reviewed by Idris Bashir on June 12, 2019 Rating: 5
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