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JUST IN: RUGA settlements championed by Fulani political cabals to Islamize Nigeria – IPOB deputy

The deputy leader of the indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB) Alphonsus Uche Okafor-Mefor has taken on his Facebook and reacted to RUGA settlement, describes it as classic cases of subtle political gangsterism championed by the backward, retrogressive, Janjaweed, Fulani savages in control of political power and whose goal is the advancement of Islamisation project.

He said is a very smart, provocative and aggressive territorial incursion that must NOT be entertained in Biafra land, outside Biafraland, they burn our shops, close our businesses, close our industries and ports, syphon our oil and other mineral resources and make the revenue thereof a national wealth, he stated.

The statement read below:

These RUGA settlements are classic cases of subtle political gangsterism championed by the backward, retrogressive, Janjaweed, Fulani savages in control of political power and whose ultimate goal is the advancement of Islamisation project.

A very smart, provocative and aggressive territorial incursion that must NOT be entertained in Biafra land. This absolute, executive jihadism grounded in Salafist ideology is the Pinnacle of the evil agenda these Fulani’s have for the “infidels” in this hellish, Lugardian kingdom of darkness where even the LUCIFER is outclassed in evil doing and as such afraid of dwelling in.

And guess what? These nomadic, stateless, barbaric wanderers have indeed enslaved the so-called “infidels” in Nigeria to such an extent that the ones vibrant, astute political demagogues, the intellectually savvy members of the academia, the learned members of the judiciary, the exceptional and extraordinary, patriotic apostles of one-Nigerian project have no more response(s) having been boxed into a state of stupor.

The comatose, traumatic mental state of these Apostles of one-Nigeria is such a hopeless case that every sphere of life has been brought to the dangerously, self-destructive level of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT.

Everything in the zoo called Nigeria is now in a state of INERTIA. While these barbaric, nomadic, Fulani invaders (who go about with different names such as herdsmen, Boko Haram, MACBAN etc) have left no one in doubt as to their intention to invade and dominate, they unleash mayhem at will and leave trails of their horror and terror anywhere they pass.

Fear and intimidation now reign everywhere, the conquest is absolute, the hopelessness is palpable and the unbridled submission which these have elicited from the “infidels” across the board is on a colossal, seismic scale. Even if others do forget, IPOB shall not abandon our people.

We urge everyone to keep the faith, get prepared and be at alert! There shall be no RUGA settlement in Biafraland. Cattle rearing remains a personal, private enterprise set up for private gains. Despite this, they go further having sex with these cattle, infect them with deadly diseases and sell it to our people as live animals while others are used to make suya and other disease-infected dried meat delicacies for our people to consume to their detriment.

Outside Biafraland, they burn our shops, close our businesses, close our industries and ports, syphon our oil and other mineral resources and make the revenue thereof a national wealth. In contrast, what they do in their backyards are mind-blowing: they have gold, diamond, tin, iron, aluminum, columbite, gypsum etc. and exploit these for their own internal economic and social welfare in their various states.

Now, the remaining ancestral lands and seafronts indigenous to our people (our last hope and our last resort) are what they have set their eyes on to grab through the back door.

Curiously, one may at this juncture ask this pertinent question: why did the zoo government not deem it patriotic to establish a business settlement for our people in Yorubaland, in Fulani caliphate and fund it (because of our business astuteness)? Why can’t they RUGA our own businesses as well? Can you begin to rationalize how desperate and how far these lazy, nomadic terrorists could be and go?

These people are like cancer, we don’t need them, we don’t want them anywhere in our territories. Fulani terrorists may conquer other territories, but they shall surely meet the ever resilient, indomitable nature and the ingenuity of the Biafran spirit.

JUST IN: RUGA settlements championed by Fulani political cabals to Islamize Nigeria – IPOB deputy JUST IN: RUGA settlements championed by Fulani political cabals to Islamize Nigeria – IPOB deputy Reviewed by Idris Bashir on June 29, 2019 Rating: 5
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