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"Allah is your God" - Prince William's Car Stoned by Palestinian Muslims During his Visit to Ramallah

Report: Palestinian Muslims bombard Prince William's car with rocks near Ramallah During his Visit to meet Palestinian terrorist leader Abbas who pays salaries to terrorists who murdered Israelis and Americans. 
Arab media reports that a number of Palestinian Muslims ,shouting "Allahu Akbar", hurled stones at the car of England's Prince William as he drove near Ramallah. 
You probably won’t see this in the mainstream news. 
The mainstream media refuses to report about incidents that could damage the image of Islam.
Prince William refused to meet the Jewish mayor of Jerusalem duo to fear of insulting the world Muslims. 
British Embassy officials reportedly told the Jewish Mayor that the prince would be "pleased" meet the mayor BUT not in Jerusalem (where Jews are the occupiers). 
The Prince agreed to meet with him only at a reception held at the British ambassador’s residence in Ramat Gan. 
Let's see what the media coverage will be when something like this happens elsewhere in the world. 
We have a suggestion for President Trump, when you visit the UK please refuse to meet with the Muslim mayor of London in London. Ask him to meet you only in Pakistan. 
Prince William, Queen Elizabeth’s grandson and second-in-line to the throne, is the first British royal to pay an official visit to Israel. 
The statement issued by the British Embassy in Tel Aviv said he will visit Jerusalem in “the Occupied Palestinian Territories.” 
Prince William’s Itinerary Puts Jerusalem In ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’ to please the Muslim world after Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 
In other words, the British government and the royal family support "ethnic cleansing" of Jews from Jerusalem, simple as that.
The demand of the Arab world and the Muslims who call themselves "Palestinians" is a state WITHOUT Jews, but the British government and the royal family do not seem to have any problem with that. 
By calling it "occupied Palestinian territories" Britain calls for mass deportation of Jews from Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. 
Political correctness led Britain to abandon its values. 

It’s regrettable that Britain chose to politicize the Royal visit. 

The British royals and their palace handlers better start reading the Bible and study up on the 3,000-plus long history of Israel and its ancient capital, Jerusalem. 
Saying Jerusalem belongs to Palestinians, is like saying London belongs to Pakistan. 
Judaism was founded in the Land of Israel thousands of years before Islam was founded in Saudi Arabia by Muhammad. 
Jerusalem is mentioned 900 times in the Bible, but not even once in the Koran. 
There are no synagogues in Ramallah and Gaza and this is what will happen to synagogues in Jerusalem under the control of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. The royal family supports the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Jerusalem. 
As the only civilized nation in the Middle East, only Israel can protect the holy places of Jews and Christians in Jerusalem.
"Allah is your God" - Prince William's Car Stoned by Palestinian Muslims During his Visit to Ramallah "Allah is your God" - Prince William's Car Stoned by Palestinian Muslims During his Visit to Ramallah Reviewed by Idris Bashir on June 28, 2018 Rating: 5
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