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You Must Take Urgent Action Against Fulani Herdsmen Before It's Too Late. - Wole Soyinka Warns Buhari

Nobel Laureate Professor Wole Soyinka wants President Muhammadu Buhari to rise to the occasion, match words with action and stop the killing spree by “murderous herdsmen”.
In a statement on Wednesday, Professor Soyinka said it is not enough for the President to distance himself from killer herdsmen as what is required is for the country’s leader to make the killer herdsmen pay for their crimes.

The statement entitled “ON DEMAND: A Language of Non-Capitulation, Non-Appeasement” read in part, “Buhari had yet to speak in the language that these murdering herdsmen understand – simply, that forceful seizure of land will not be tolerated in any part of a federation under his governance.

“That the temporary acquisition of weapons of mass elimination by any bunch of psychopaths and anachronistic feudal mentality will not translate into subjugation of a people and a savaging of their communities.

“That any such gains are illusory and temporary and will be reversed. The plaint of ‘injustice’ is a misjudgment of the injustice done directly to the victims, and vicariously to the rest of us who turn to the news with dread every day, wondering what new stomach-churning accounts of the gory agenda on their humanity will replace the normal concourse of humanity.”

The Nobel Laureate’s statement comes a day after President Buhari paid a condolence visit to Plateau State where suspected herdsmen attacked several villages over the weekend killing at least 100 people.

While commiserating with the people of Plateau, the President told them that “there is some injustice” in the criticism he has received concerning his reaction to the killings across the country.
“The Farmer knows that the Nigerian cattle herder that he knows doesn’t carry nothing more than a stick,” President Buhari said, adding that occasionally, the herder carries “something to cut grass to feed his cattle.”
“But the present herder, I am told, carries AK47 and people are even blaming me for not talking to them because maybe (they say) I look like one of them. There is some injustice in these aspersions.”

Professor Soyinka, however, believes that the President’s focus should be on how grave the situation is as killer herdsmen are equating human lives to cattle and need decisive action.

He said, “Mr. President, do you know what I strongly believe? This recent planned massacre had a numerical target. The latest killing spree is the formal annunciation of a new law. From now on, for every missing, maimed, even legally seized cow – perhaps for trespassing and damage – one human being shall die, and commensurate land shall be forfeited.

“Make no mistake, that is the message! Berom or Ondo, Tiv or Efik. Egba or Igalla – it makes no difference – this is the language, and if your government does not understand it yet, we, whose field is language, both spoken and symbolic, must decode it for you.”

According to Professor Soyinka, while statements, words of encouragement, solidarity visits, deployment of special forces and more are important, far-reaching but immediate action is needed to halt the bloodshed.

“It is a time of far-reaching, yet immediate decisions. The nation is dying. The time for false pride is over. If this nation lacks the necessary technical resources, then there remains only one blameless, overdue recourse: “Get Help, Mr. President!”” he said.
You Must Take Urgent Action Against Fulani Herdsmen Before It's Too Late. - Wole Soyinka Warns Buhari You Must Take Urgent Action Against Fulani Herdsmen Before It's Too Late. - Wole Soyinka Warns Buhari Reviewed by Idris Bashir on June 27, 2018 Rating: 5
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